Monday, December 21, 2009

Hand car wash or machine car wash?

which is better and why?Hand car wash or machine car wash?
A Hand-Wash is by far the most thorough, and you can keep track of any problem areas on the car's paint.

But touchless automatic car-washes are a god-send in winter weather. Is gets the chucks off the finish, but more importantly, the undercar spray gets salt and other snow melters off the undercarriage.Hand car wash or machine car wash?
A hand wash is the best as long as you use a good detergent like Meguairs. Never use dish washing liquids as these will strip the wax off your paint and dry out the paint. Wash the car from top to bottom and wash wheels first so you dont blow grit back on the clean car. A laser wash is okay if it's to cold to wash by hand, but dont use the old brush washes as they can scratch your paint.

because you can actually scrub off all the dirt

the touchless ones dont get all the dirt off

and the ones with the scrubbers just cause scratches
Hand car wash before age 45 and machine wash thereafter.

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